Get to know us

aswamaritime trust

The trust owner and founder is a person who has established and owns a trust. They are the individual responsible for creating and implementing the trust's mission and objectives. As the founder, they have the authority to make decisions regarding the trust's assets and beneficiaries. The trust owner and founder must be trustworthy and reliable, as they hold the fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the trust and its beneficiaries. They play a crucial role in ensuring that the trust operates smoothly and in accordance with its purpose. The trust owner and founder's expertise and experience in managing and overseeing trusts are essential for maintaining the trust's integrity and ensuring that it fulfills its intended goals.

this organization about us Andhra Seamen's welfare Association and ASWA Maritime Trust is dedicated to helping the environment and people, particularly children. The organization works tirelessly to protect and preserve the environment, ensuring sustainable practices for the benefit of future generations. They also focus on improving the lives of children, providing them with education, healthcare, and necessary resources. Through various initiatives and projects, the NGO trust aims to create a better world by addressing pressing environmental issues and uplifting the lives of underprivileged children. Their efforts are driven by compassion and a deep sense of responsibility towards the planet and its inhabitants. By supporting this trust, individuals can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future for both the environment and the children in need.

Dr. Capt. Ramana Garikina Founder Cum President of ASWA Maritime Trust, General Secretary Cum Treasurer of Andhra Seamen's Welfare Association & ASWA MARITIME UNION OF INDIA

brown wooden blocks on white surface
brown wooden blocks on white surface
group of childrens sitting on ground
group of childrens sitting on ground

People and culture

NGOs, or non-governmental organizations, are trusts and organizations that operate independently of the government. They are formed to address various social, environmental, and humanitarian issues. NGOs work towards the betterment of society and strive to bring about positive change. These organizations often focus on advocacy, research, and implementing projects to support marginalized communities. They play a crucial role in providing essential services, raising awareness, and promoting sustainable development. NGOs can be involved in areas such as healthcare, education, poverty alleviation, environmental conservation, and human rights. They rely on donations, grants, and volunteer efforts to carry out their work. NGOs provide a platform for individuals to contribute their time, skills, and resources for the greater good.

closeup photo of person holding color soils
closeup photo of person holding color soils
RAJESH PUKKALLA General Secretary Cum Treasurer Of ASWA MARITIME TRUST, Joint Secretary Of Andhra Seamen's welfare Association & ASWA Maritime Union Of India

Gopi Krishna Boddu President of Andhra Seamen's welfare Association, Vice President of ASWA MARITIME UNION OF INDIA, Co-founder Cum Vice President of ASWA MARITIME TRUST